Costume Department
Liisi Ess – head of the costume department – 7 440 130
Ivika Jõesaar – assistant of the costume deparment – 7 440 130
Külli Kukk / Ruth Rehme-Rähni / Edith Ütt
Valentina Kalvik / Tia Nuka / Elli Nöps / Natalja Malinen / Irina Medvedeva / Inkeri Orasmaa / Kaire Arujõe / Olga Vilgats / Anneli Vassar / Heli Kruuse / Reet Vaga
Ivi Vels – cutter and costume decorator
Ljubov Guzun – cutter and costume decorator
Riin Palumets – cutter and costume decorator (employment contract is suspended)
Raina Varep – head of the costume warehouse
Kaidi Mikk / Anu Kõiv / Eva Kõiv / Kai Vahter / Kadri Kangur / Aive Soosaar / Katariina Talts
Triin Isak – head of the costume rental
Toomas Vihermäe – shoemaker
Juta Reben – laundry specialist
Ljudmila Nikolajeva – laundry specialist