Don Giovanni

Thu 13. Mar 19:00 The Small Building of Vanemuine Theatre
Fri 25. Apr 19:00 The Small Building of Vanemuine Theatre
Wed 14. May 19:00 The Small Building of Vanemuine Theatre

Don Giovanni

Opera in two acts

Mozart composed the opera Don Giovanni based on Tirso de Molina’s play The Trickster of Seville and the Stone Guest published in 1630 and its key character Don Juan. Premiering in 1787 at the Prague National Theatre, the opera was received with ovation, but for the 18th century Viennese spectators, it remained somewhat of a mystery. However, only a few decades later, the composition already bore the title of one of the greatest operas in history.

The debauched ladies’ man Don Giovanni and his faithful servant Leporello have travelled across the world, leaving behind countless broken hearts. However, all women won’t put up with this and so, Donna Anna, Donna Elvira and Zerlina decide to reveal the true character of this vile man. Don Giovanni can enjoy his adventures while they last, eventually the trickster still has to bear his cross himself.

In this centuries old story, swords will be replaced by phones to make the ancient villain pay for his deeds once again.

Don Giovanni has been staged at the Vanemuine Theatre once before, in 1990. This production will be created by the renowned Estonian stage director Elmo Nüganen and it will be his first encounter with the Vanemuine Theatre, but not with Mozart. In 1994, he directed The Marriage of Figaro in collaboration with Pärnu Opera.

Premiere November 27th 2021 at the Small Building of the Vanemuine Theatre


Language: Italian
Surtitles: Estonian, English

For the work as the Musical Director and Conductor of Don Giovanni, Risto Joost received the Estonian Theatre Award for Music in 2022.
For the role of Commendatore in Don Giovanni, Märt Jakobson received the Estonian Theatre Award for Music in 2022.

Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Librettist Lorenzo Da Ponte
Musical Director and Conductor Risto Joost
Director Elmo Nüganen
Conductors Aleksandr Brazhnyk, Mihhail Gerts
Scenographer and Videographer Katrīna Neiburga Latvia
Costume Designer Kristīne Pasternaka Latvian National Opera
Lighting Designer Kristjan Suits
Choreographer Rauno Zubko
Director’s Assistant Merle Jalakas
Prepared Piano Ele Sonn
Chief Repetitor-Rehearsal Pianist Toomas Kaldaru
Rehearsal Pianists
 Piia Paemurru, Margus Riimaa
Head Chorusmaster Kristi Jagodin
Chorusmaster Martin Sildos
Choir Rehearsal Pianist Katrin Nuume


Cast Jānis Apeinis Latvian National Opera or Tamar Nugis Estonian National Opera, Raiko Raalik Estonian National Opera, Märt Jakobson or Kristjan Häggblom, Pirjo Jonas, Juhan Tralla or Rasmus Kull or Hisatoshi Nezu, Karmen Puis, Simo Breede or Taavi Tampuu, Maria Listra or Marta Paklar or Grete Oolberg, Maarja Johanna Mägi or Saara Nüganen Endla


Vanemuine Opera Choir and Symphony Orchestra