Gatsby / La Dolce Vita
Everything that we see on stage is simple and humane and springs from the person. Everyone’s dreams and pleasures seem so commonplace that the choreographic expression of them, at times even bordering on frivolity, is pleasantly suggestive. Despite the fact that La Dolce Vita shows a much greater amount of strength and colour, it is as decorous as Gatsby in its substance and form. The figurative stage design has been used in the best possible way in the interests of the moods and events depicted in the production.
/…/ Both Gatsby and La Dolce Vita are solid and wholesome ballet productions in which the dancer and his/her persona are highlighted deservedly. As the troupe consists of dancers of very diverse origins and backgrounds, the display is varied and exciting.
Mihkel Truman, news portal
Premiere on 25 January 2015 at the Vanemuine Grand Building
 Sincere feelings, subtle irony, humour, glamour and dreams!