King Arthur

Sat 22. Feb 19:00 The Harbour Theatre
Sun 09. Mar 16:00 The Harbour Theatre
Tue 18. Mar 19:00 The Harbour Theatre
Tue 08. Apr 19:00 The Harbour Theatre

King Arthur

Opera by Henry Purcell

King Arthur was a legendary king of Britannia whose endeavours and glory have inspired works of art from the mediaeval times to today. 

The opera King Arthur, or The British Worthy by Baroque composer Henry Purcell premiered at Queen’s Theatre, London, in the spring of 1691. The production enjoyed great success, as it was performed numerous times and was profitable. The libretto was written by John Dryden who intended it as a political allegory of contemporary power struggle.

Circumstances and political contexts are in constant flux and the great cold wave that conquered the entire Europe at the end of the 17th century has long since abated, but Henry Purcell’s brilliant music is still touching, as are the adventures of the noble-minded Arthur.

Besides musicians, this production involves actors with Raivo E. Tamm in the lead role. The production also encompasses soloists, the opera choir and the symphony orchestra of the Vanemuine Theatre.

Premiere on February 22nd 2025 at the Harbour Theatre

Language: English, Estonian
Surtitles: Estonian, English

Composer Henry Purcell
Librettist John Dryden
Musical Director and Conductor Risto Joost
Conductors Aleksandr Brazhnyk, Kristi Jagodin, Martin Sildos
Director Tiit Palu
Set and Costume Designer Lilja Blumenfeld
Choreographer Mare Tommingas
Video Designer Juho Porila
Lighting Designer Margus Vaigur Endla
Translated into Estonian by Peeter Volkonski 


Cast Raivo E. Tamm, Lena Barbara Luhse, Hannes Kaljujärv, Pirjo Jonas, Marta Paklar, Karmen Puis, Grete Oolberg, Helen Nõmm, Helen Hansberg, Marta Burgoa, Martin Karu, Ivo Posti, Rasmus Kull, Oliver Timmusk, Hisatoshi Nezu, Taavi Tampuu, Simo Breede, Egon Laanesoo, Kristjan Häggblom, Artur Nagel


Vanemuine opera choir and symphony orchestra