
Wed 26. Mar 19:00 The Grand Building of Vanemuine Theatre
Sat 19. Apr 19:00 The Grand Building of Vanemuine Theatre
Sun 11. May 16:00 The Grand Building of Vanemuine Theatre


This play, beginning in 1899 and moving through six decades, focuses on the Merz family home in the heart of Vienna – at Ringstrasse. The play follows the fate of the large and wealthy Merz family through war, revolution, impoverishment, the rise of Nazism and the Holocaust. It is a panoramic and historic drama where destinies, passions, love and tragedy intertwine.

The newest play of the living classic Tom Stoppard is partly autobiographical. It premiered in 2020 in London’s West End; in autumn 2022, Leopoldstadt also reached the stage on Broadway.

Premiere on 16 September 2023 at the Grand Building of the Vanemuine Theatre

Author Tom Stoppard
Translator Kalle Hein
Director Tiit Palu
Scenographer Lilja Blumenfeld
Lighting designer Margus Vaigur (Endla)
Choreographer Mare Tommingas
Sound Designer  Ele Sonn

Cast Külliki Saldre, Riho Kütsar, Maria Annus, Ragne Pekarev, Andres Mähar, Lena Barbara Luhse, Priit Strandberg, Maarja Johanna Mägi, Ken Rüütel, Linda Porkanen, Kärt Kull, Piret Laurimaa, Merle Jääger, Ele Sonn, Oskar Seeman, Helo Kaplinski, Kaarel Pogga, Margus Jaanovits, Helgur Rosental guest, Karol Kuntsel, Jüri Lumiste, Gustav Nikopensius, Mirelle Uibokand, Greg Värnomasing, Elisabeth Strandberg või Maria Timmusk, Oskar Hinn või Iti Marie Jõgi, Robin Mikkel or Harald Kullerkupp, Elli Koidula Kull või Sonja Riimaa and others




