Little Red Riding Hood (Punamütsike)

Little Red Riding Hood (Punamütsike)

The fairytale by Brothers Grimm 

The story of a little girl with a red cape who went to see her sickly grandmother to take her some cake is probably familiar to everyone. It is, indeed, one of the most well-known fairytales in the world that – as fairytales usually do – started out as a folk tale at least a thousand years ago and that has a countless number of variants. The children in Estonia may either take the version written down by Charles Perrault’s as well as that of the Brothers Grimm from a bookshelf, and then come to see the play at Theatre House.

Premiere at 18.09.2021 at Theatre House

Authors The Brothers Grimm
Dramatiser and producer Veikko Täär
Stage designer Marge Martin
Musical designer Toomas Lunge
Lighting designer Tauri Kötsi

Cast Maarja Johanna Mägi, Kaarel Pogga, Ragne Pekarev or Anu Laanesaar, Külliki Saldre or Merle Jääger, Aivar Kallaste