Lovely Lynx

Sat 26. Apr 19:00 The Harbour Theatre
Tue 29. Apr 19:00 The Harbour Theatre
Fri 02. May 19:00 The Harbour Theatre
Sun 18. May 16:00 The Harbour Theatre

Lovely Lynx

A four-member urban family – husband, wife, son and their son’s girlfriend – go camping in the woods to make a fire, sing tunes and play the guitar, and enjoy the mysterious nature of our native land. Maybe even get a glimpse of a wild animal? The son has some news for his parents, which brings up different reactions. By morning, one of the campers is missing. Sounds like a worn-out crime story?

On the contrary, this is a witty tragicomedy that twists and turns in many surprising ways. The play addresses several sensitive topics for contemporary Estonians and goes to “places where one should not go and that one does not come back from”. Being set in the woods, wild creatures also happen on stage.

This play by actor, stage director and dramaturge Ott Aardam won 2nd Prize at the play competition of the Estonian Theatre Agency in 2023.

Premiere on 26 April 2025 at the Harbour Theatre

Play by Ott Aardam
Director and sound designer Tiit Palu
Scenographer Jaanus Laagriküll
Lighting Designer Andres Sarv

Cast Ragne Pekarev, Robert Annus, Rasmus Vendel, Kristin Prits, Karol Kuntsel