Season Finale Concert of the Vanemuine Symphony Orchestra

Season Finale Concert of the Vanemuine Symphony Orchestra

May 10th 2024 at the Vanemuine Concert Hall
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May 15th 2024 at Viimsi Artium
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Ãœlo Krigul, “Studium”, premiere
Felix Mendelssohn, Violin Concerto no. 2 in E minor, op. 64
Johannes Brahms, Symphony no. 1 in C minor, op. 68

The Season Finale Concert of the Vanemuine Symphony Orchestra will begin with the premiere of Ãœlo Krigul’s “Studium”, to introduce to the audience new Estonian orchestral music. The piece is followed by works by German composers of the Romantic period. Felix Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto no. 2 will be performed together with violin soloist Hans Christian Aavik. The concert will be concluded with Johannes Brahms’s Symphony no. 1.

The Tartu concert takes place in collaboration with Eesti Kontsert.

Programme for the concert in Tartu

Programme for the concert in Tallinn

Soloist Hans Christian Aavik (violin)
Conductor Risto Joost
Vanemuine symphony orchestra