The Cherry Orchard (Kirsiaed)

The Cherry Orchard (Kirsiaed)

Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard has become a staple in contemporary Estonian theatre. This production of the Vanemuine Theatre is the tenth in Estonia during this century, preceded by several earlier famous productions. So, what is the secret of this play, written over a hundred years ago? It appears to revolve around only one big event: the auction and sale of a cherry orchard. Granted, Chekhov’s masterful portrayal of characters presents an exciting array of emotions: hidden attachments, jealousy, disappointments, ennui and indifference.  

Priit Strandberg: “Chekhov himself called his extremely melancholy plays comedies. This reveals much about Chekhov’s oeuvre in general: there is always laughter in tears, hope in hopelessness, a new beginning in an end, beauty in sadness. This makes his characters alive, human and endearing. The author’s last play The Cherry Orchard poses the question of eternal and temporal values. For instance, who would be willing to sell love and for what money? Or their childhood? Time passes without mercy and dreams become reality or a painful past. What to dream of, what to live for then? Memories? Suffering? Or eternity? 

Premiere 4 February 2023 at the Small Building of the Vanemuine Theatre


Author Anton Chekhov
Translators Ernst Raudsepp, Toomas Kall
Director Priit Strandberg
Scenographer and costume designer Liisa Soolepp 

Cast Piret Laurimaa, Linda Porkanen, Karol Kuntsel, Andres Mähar, Ken Rüütel, Margus Jaanovits, Marika Barabanštšikova, Jüri Lumiste, Lena Barbara Luhse, Aivar Tommingas, Kristjan ÜkskülaTheatrum, Helo Kaplinskiguest, Margus Kits, Gustav Nikopensiusguest, Randmar Tuulemäeguest, Einar Susiguest, Martin Metsanurkguest


