The Vanemuine End of the Year Ball 2022

The Vanemuine End of the Year Ball 2022

We welcome you to the biggest New Years Eve ball in South Estonia!

The program is festive and fun!

In Vanemuine Concert Hall you can dance to the tunes of
Vanemuine Symphony Orchestra
Ensamble Funkifize with Lauri Pihlap & Norman Salumäe
Estraadiraadio & Kaire Vilgats

On the theatre side you can enjoy entertainment from drama-, music- and ballet departments and end the evening with the songs of Marilyn Monroe and Frank Sintara that will be brought to you by Hanna-Liina Võsa and Lauri Liiv. The singers will be accompanied by one of the brightest musicians of his generation – Johan Randvere (piano).

See you on the 30th of December 2022 at 19 in Vanemuine

Come and spend a memorable New Years Eve in Tartu!


The evening hosts are Lena Barbara Luhse and Ken Rüütel
