One Man, Two Guvnors (Üks mees, kaks bossi)

One Man, Two Guvnors (Üks mees, kaks bossi)

Slapstick comedy by Richard Bean

One of the greatest creations of the 18th century brilliant Italian playwright Carlo Goldoni is Servant of Two Masters – a crazy phantasmagoria of events with a canny servant that finds himself serving two masters at the same time.

This golden comedy classic has several times been played also on the Estonian stage, quite recently at Ugala. British contemporary dramaturge Richard Bean decided to bring this old story a little closer in time and space and landed in 1963 in Brighton. The version that premiered just a few years ago became a triumph for several seasons.

There is no sense in describing all the events that occur in this story. It’s enough to say that it begins with an engagement party that receives an unexpected guest – the former groom who was known to be dead. As the story unfolds all the characters start changing roles – the crooks and the policemen, servants and masters, soups and main courses, men and women and… And for a brief moment to catch your breath the best Estonian skiffle-music band takes the stage.

Premiere 31.10.2015 at the Vanemuine Grand Building

Director Andres Dvinjaninov (Emajõe Summer Theatre)
Designer Riina Degtjarenko (Estonian Drama Theatre)
Musical director Ele Sonn

Cast  Andres Mähar, Marika Barabanštšikova, Piret Laurimaa, Ragne Pekarev, Priit Strandberg, Reimo Sagor, Sten Karpov, Riho Kütsar, Raivo Adlas, Peeter Volkonski, Märt Koik, Mihkel Kallaste jt
Band Alari Piispea, Karl Laanekask, Margus Tammemägi, Priit Strandberg, Ele Sonn